Can Certified GF Products Be Made on Shared Equipment? | Pumpkin Donuts with Maple Glaze

Hello Reader,

We have a lot of new subscribers this week, so I wanted to take a moment to share a quick intro before we get into the "meat" of today's newsletter.

I'm Jenny, and I founded Good For You Gluten Free 10 years ago after getting diagnosed with celiac disease.

I take a commonsense approach to the gluten-free lifestyle and work hard to help you live your best life, whether I'm busting myths, helping you make sense of the latest gluten-free drama, or inspiring you to bake up a special recipe.

I'm also the founder of the Love Me Gluten Free subscription box. I love making our community feel good about being gluten-free, especially since so many of us feel the mental drain of living this crazy lifestyle day-in and day-out.

Join Me Live

The October Love Me Gluten Free boxes are officially out and likely in homes already.

So that means it's time for our monthly Facebook Live get-together!

I invite you to join me on Sunday, October 6th, for a live unboxing on Facebook Live. This event is open to everyone, and you don't have to be a Love Me Gluten Free subscriber to attend.

We'll spend about 30 minutes together going through the box, and I'll share more details on each brand and why I chose them to be inside the box.

RSVP HERE to join us on Sunday!

Myth Busting: What Does Certified Gluten-Free Really Mean?

Last week, a reader told me she would only eat certified gluten-free products.

When I asked her why, she said it was because certified gluten-free products are manufactured on dedicated gluten-free equipment and, therefore, safer.

I told her this is a myth and that "certified gluten-free" products are not required to be manufactured on dedicated equipment. Many brands you know, love, and trust use shared (but sanitized) equipment.

The main reason to choose a certified gluten-free product is because it means the manufacturers tested their products before making a "gluten-free" claim.

Did you know that the FDA doesn't require companies to test their products before making a "gluten-free" claim; however, if a product makes the claim, it better be confident its product is indeed gluten-free!

I've written about what a gluten-free certification means—and doesn't mean—and I offer a primer on the FDA's gluten-free labeling guidelines in my article, Certified Gluten-Free But Made on Shared Equipment - Huh?

It's a quick read, and it will help you become a more educated gluten-free consumer.

Donut Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful

I love donuts, and I love pumpkin, and when you put these two together, you have a match made in heaven!

Today, I want to share my Gluten-Free Pumpkin Donuts, which are topped with a maple syrup glaze and candied pecans.

The pumpkin puree gives these donuts their classic orange hue and intensely moist texture. And the maple syrup glaze adds sweetness and beauty to this classic fall recipe.

Free Omer

I can't believe it's been ONE YEAR since Omer Shem Tov, a young Israeli man with celiac disease, was taken hostage.

My connection with Omer started a few weeks after October 7th when my friend Abby introduced me to Bring Them Home, an organization dedicated to advocating for the hostages.

When they found out I was a gluten-free creator with celiac disease, they told me about Omer's story. I've since made this Instagram video and wrote this article about Omer.

Every day, I wake up and wonder if Omer is free. Every new day brings new possibilities for Omer and his family to find peace and each other.

Please pray for Omer's safe return. 🙏


Jenny 🩷

Please follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and/or TikTok.

Join our waitlist for a Love Me Gluten Free Subscription Box

Read my book: Dear Gluten, It's Not Me, It's You

Join my SIGNATURE Gluten-Free Course. Get 15% off with the code MEMBER15.

Visit Good For You Gluten Free for all kinds of information, accessible recipes, and more!

Jenny | Good For You Gluten Free

Join 23,000+ gluten-free friends (subscribers) who are serious about being gluten-free and eating well. Each week, Jenny shares the latest news, products, recipes, and more with her loyal community. She offers a commonsense approach to the gluten-free lifestyle and helps her community make sense of controversial and contradictory topics so they can live their best gluten-free lives.

Read more from Jenny | Good For You Gluten Free

Hello Reader, We dropped the October Love Me Gluten Free box last week. Several people told me it was their favorite box. I put so much hard work and love into every month's box, so I appreciate the vote of confidence. Thank you. 😊 Here's what the October "Fall In Love" themed box looks like. Isn't she pretty? You can learn more about the contents of the box in THIS ARTICLE. If you'd like to become a Love Me Gluten Free subscriber, JOIN THE WAITLIST so we can stay in touch. The cart opens on...

Hello Reader, I've got a busy weekend ahead of me. We'll be packing our October Love Me Gluten Free boxes and shipping them on Monday. The big reveal will be on Facebook Live on Sunday, October 6th, at 11 am Central. Please save the date and RSVP HERE. 😊 After I ship the boxes, I will be heading straight into prep mode for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which starts Wednesday night. (If you're still figuring out what to make for the Jewish New Year, check out these 10+ gluten-free...

Hello Reader, A reader recently asked me if an ingredient label has to list "gluten-free oats" vs just "oats" to be considered celiac-safe. In other words, if the ingredient label says "oats," is it safe to consume? The short answer is it doesn't have to say "gluten-free oats" on the ingredient label to be safe. However, the long answer is that you need more clues on the packaging (beyond the ingredient label) to discern if the product is safe. I have much to say about this topic, so I wrote...